Chainnels App

To get started, download Chainnels on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store depending on your device.

Once, installed, you can sign in using social sign-ins such as Google, X, or Apple. If you prefer, you can also sign in using your wallet directly. We do not store any of your Google/X/Apple handles as they are directly one-way hashed to a unique ID for our reference.

Once you have signed in you will be asked to create a username this will be permanent and cannot be changed. We will soon be introducing a "Display Name" section in your profile that is changeable at any time. After selecting your desired username, you may also optionally include a referral name. A referral name will allow you and your referrer to join a team and collect Sparks at a boosted rate.

You will then be brought to optional steps where you can bind a wallet to your social sign-in and select your first few channels to join. Once that's all done, you will then be brought to the Home Screen!

Last updated